BCOxygen Oxysleep

New product

Wrist pulse oximeter designed for measuring arterial oxygen saturation, heart rate, sleep monitoring, and pedometer.

The sensor ring vibrates when saturation levels drop, prompting a change in posture.

Bluetooth connection to smartphone (app ViHealth available for Android and iOS).

More details

139,67 €

  • Sin Software PC

More info

The BCOxygen Oxysleep includes:

  • Wrist pulse oximeter
  • Adjustable ring sensor
  • Charging cable
  • ViHealth app, Bluetooth connection (Android and iOS)
  • Exportable PDF reports and CSV files
  • User manual in Spanish

Technical Features:

The watch stores the last four measurements, keeping them until they are transferred to a phone or PC.

Adjustable alarm threshold 80-95% SpO2.

Alarm with 5 adjustable vibration levels.

Measurement range 70-100% SpO2 and 30-250 beats/min.

SpO2 measurement accuracy: +/-2% for SpO2 between 80-100% and +/-3% for SpO2 between 70-79%.

Pulse accuracy: +/-2% of total pulses.

Data recording every 4 seconds.

Analysis of SpO2 drops.

Up to 10 hours of measurements per session.

Adjustable ring sensor for fingers with a perimeter between 5-7.5cm.

*Disposable adhesive sensor not included, available separately.
