The BC Ortho Oxygen Concentrator for use in oxygen therapy. The BC Ortho VE3 is a concentrator of small dimensions that can be transported without too much difficulty. The concentrator includes: Pulse oximeter to know the oxygen saturation at every moment. Nasal goggle Hepa filter Humidifier canister Connection cables Oxygen mask with reservoir
Purified air filter for use in the hyperoxic air ducts of the BioAltitude® hypoxia generators or with the BC Ortho VE3 oxygen concentrator. The 30 BioAltitude® filter is bidirectional and aims to clean the air of particles such as viruses and bacteria between the generator and the mask or nasal cannula. The filter has a filtration flow rate of up to 30...
Oxygen mask with reservoir for use with the BioAltitude A100 hypoxia / hyperoxia generator. The mask includes a bag with a hyperoxic air reservoir plus a narrow cable connecting to the oxygen enriched air outlet of the BioAltitude generator.
Oxygen nosepiece for use with the BioAltitude A100 generator and for the purpose of hyperoxic air inhalation. Hyperoxic air, i.e. oxygen-enriched air, is introduced into the body via the nasal goggles. The nasal goggles are fitted with a 1.90 cm long cable.