BioAltitude® V100 | Hipoxia Generator


New product

Hypoxia and Hyperoxia Generator for simulated altitude training, reaching up to 6,700 meters of altitude.

The BioAltitude® V100 includes:

  • BioAltitude® V100 Generator
  • 60-liter expansion bag
  • 1 tube of 3 m length
  • 2 tubes of 1.8 m length
  • 1 tube of 0.30 m length
  • HEPA 100 filter
  • Nasal cannula
  • User manual and assembly diagram
  • Power cable

Dimensions: 344 x 306 x 565 mm
Weight: 20 kg

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2 300,00 €

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The BioAltitude® V100 hypoxia generator provides both hypoxic air and hyperoxic air, allowing you to perform the 3 most common types of hypoxia training, which are:

  1. Intermittent Rest Hypoxia.
  2. Nocturnal Hypoxia.
  3. Exercise in Hypoxia.

It is ESSENTIAL to carefully read the manual and always use it under the supervision of a Healthcare Professional (in the field of Health) or a Physical Activity Professional (in the field of Sports Performance), who are knowledgeable about the effects of hypoxia, its areas and methods of application, and its interaction with health, potential pathologies, and physical-sports activities.

WARRANTY: The warranty for the BioAltitude® V100 generator is 3 years or 5,000 hours of operation at our facilities. Misuse, lack of maintenance (cleaning and filter replacement), failure to respect the generator's air inlets and outlets, or internal tampering with the generator will result in the loss of the warranty.
