Set de Ejercicio 120 - 180 L

New product

Set to increase capacity in Hypoxia Training.

The available sets are:

  • 120 L, consisting of 2 bags of 60L
  • 180 L, consisting of 3 bags of 60L
  • 120 L, with 1 bag of 60L (for those who already have the BioAltitude A100)
  • 180 L, with 2 bags of 60L (for those who already have the BioAltitude A100)

They do not include either the BioAltitude A100 or the Biolaster Training Mask.

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132,23 €

  • 120 L
  • 120 litres for A100
  • 180 Litres
  • 180 litres for A100

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Customers who already have the BioAltitude A100 Generator, with its respective 60L expansion bag, will need the Exercise Set with one less bag. Pay attention to the product combinations!

Designed for use in Exercise Hypoxia, the Expansion Set can be configured upon request to provide a hypoxic air reserve volume tailored to the customer's needs.

The various types of Hypoxia Generators offer different flow rates, either higher or lower, which also vary depending on the supply altitude (higher altitude, lower flow). Some provide continuous flow, while others offer intermittent flow, so it is necessary to have some type of air reserve volume.

ESSENTIAL if exercising in hypoxia where minute consumption can reach 120-200 liters.

The Expansion Set includes the Expansion Bags, Tubes, and Valves necessary for the chosen reserve volume.

The Set can be designed based on the user's existing hypoxia reserve volume, adding to it.

Larger volumes than those offered can be customized upon the customer's request.
